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SOG Digital Sign

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You can create content for the right side of the page in 2 ways.
  1. Using an Image. This will override any text based content.
    1. Create a new Digital Sign post. The title should be a description of the image so you can find identify it later but this will not display on the sign.
    2. Add a featured image to the post. The image should be 1:.64, the width should be .64 times the height. For example Height of 2200 and width of 1386.
    3. Check the category for “Digital Sign Image.” The sign will only read one image at a time although using the scheduled post feature you can have it replaced in the future automatically. For example if you want image 1 to display now but have image 2 begin the following week:
      1. Create the first image post with image 1 and publish it.
      2. Create the 2nd image post with image 2 but schedule it to be published in the future.
      3. Since the sign will only use the most recent post, your 2nd post of image 2 will be the newer post and will automatically display instead of the now older post with image 1.
  2. Text Content. This will be ignored if there is a current image post.
    1. Create a new Digital Sign post.
    2. The title will be displayed larger above your content.
    3. Enter content exactly how you would like it to appear on the sign. You can alter the font size, color etc.
    4. Check the category for “Digital Sign.”
    5. The sign will display up to 3 posts, as long as the content fits on the page.
  1. Go to this page and open the inspect portion of your browser by right clicking anywhere and choosing Inspect.
  2. Click in the top left corner on an icon that looks like a phone and another device.
  3. Customize your screen size to 1920×1080

Need to Test!

Remember, you can always load the test version of this program to experiment with content and images. Log into this site and follow the same steps.

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